Carmen Flores

Special Binomo Blog Contributor

Resides in

Trenton, New Jersey.


Carmen gained a master's degree in finance from Tufts University.


Carmen Flores is the former Head of Research at Gain Capital. Over 15 years, she has worked in various financial markets as a trader, certified investment advisor, global market strategist, and major investor. She has been invited to contribute as a pundit by major media outlets such as Reuters and CNBC and has spoken at major conferences and investment platforms. Carmen is also a Certified Financial Professional and Registered Investment Advisor.


She has extensive experience in stocks, options, commodities, fixed income, and currencies.

Personal interests

Investing, Trading, Technical Analysis, Finance.

Articles by Carmen Flores

3 min
The future of AI in art: how it can transform the art world
4 min
The simple guide to navigating the complex world of personal finance
4 min
5 best coffee types for traders
4 min
How to save money in 2023: 8 useful tips
4 min
Not Titanic at all: how Leonardo DiCaprio became one of the most successful investors in Hollywood
4 min
7 tips on how to simplify your life and find happiness in less

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