Onur Yılmaz

Onur Yılmaz

Financial Analyst

Resides in

Ankara, Turkey


Bachelor of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, Pamukkale University


After completing the professional education, I continued my studies personally. I have carried out intensive studies on technical and fundamental analysis types. I have published articles on this subject on different financial websites. In parallel with this process, I organized different trainings and seminars in the fields of fundamental and technical analysis.


Investments, Financial Markets, Business, Cryptocurrency, Economy

Personal interests

Investments, Online Business, Economics, Financial and Strategic Analysis

Articles by Onur Yılmaz

3 min
The most important financial institution: Central Bank
4 min
Demystifying Interest Rates: a comprehensive guide
4 min
Demystifying Interest Rates: a comprehensive guide
6 min
Inflation 101: A beginner’s guide to the mechanics of rising prices
7 min
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
3 min
What is Nonfarm Payroll?

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