🌿What kind of hero are you?

Some questions can have two or more correct answers

Miyazaki’s animated film is an incredible classic. And his heroes are strong, fearless. Heroes are not just characters in animated films, they are symbols of qualities that many traders aspire to have. Which one is closer to your spirit?

You are faced with a difficult decision, do you:
Take your time to think it over
Act immediately, trusting your gut
Consult with others before making your decision
Avoid the situation, hoping it will resolve itself
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If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, your first instinct is to:
Stay calm and think of a strategy
Rush in to save the day
Seek help from trusted allies
Hide and wait for the danger to pass
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When it comes to achieving your goals, you:
Are determined and never give up
Tend to lose interest if things get too hard
Always find a way to get what you want
Believe that everything happens for a reason
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You see a friend being bullied. Your reaction is to:
Confront the bully directly
Support your friend emotionally and encourage them to stand up for themselves
Report the incident to someone in authority
Try to diffuse the situation with humor
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How do you typically handle stress or pressure?
You stay calm and focused, taking things one step at a time
You tend to panic or get flustered easily
You try to ignore it and focus on the positives
You rely on others to help you through it
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You are most like Ashitaka from "Princess Mononoke"

Key recommendations:

You are brave, wise, and always think before acting. You are a natural leader who isn’t afraid to make tough decisions.

You are most like Seita from "Grave of the Fireflies"

Key recommendations:

You are impulsive and brave, often jumping into situations head-first. You’re loyal to a fault and always ready to protect those you care about.

You are most like Haku from "Spirited Away"

Key recommendations:

You are resourceful and clever, often using your intelligence to get out of tricky situations. You are loyal to your friends and always ready to lend a hand.

You are most like Mei from "My Neighbor Totoro"

Key recommendations:

You are innocent and carefree, often preferring to avoid conflict when you can. You have a big heart and a lot of love to give.

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