👨‍⚕️Which House MD character are you?

Some questions can have two or more correct answers

Get cozy, grab a cup of coffee, and dive into our fun and insightful personality quiz! Inspired by the intriguing characters of House MD, we’ve crafted a unique test to help you discover which character matches your trading style. Remember, this test is just for entertainment purposes and should not be used as a basis for your real trading decisions. Enjoy!

How do you make your trading decisions?
I do intensive research and analysis before investing.
I often go with my gut feeling.
I seek advice from experienced traders.
I invest according to the latest trends.
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What's your reaction when you face a trading loss?
I analyze what went wrong and learn from my mistakes.
I shake it off. Losses are part of the game.
I get a bit upset but quickly move on.
I tend to blame external factors.
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How do you manage trading risks?
I meticulously calculate all potential outcomes.
I enjoy the thrill of taking high risks.
I follow a balanced approach.
I avoid high-risk investments.
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What's your trading style?
Long-term investments.
Short-term trades.
Mix of both, depending on the market situation.
I'm still exploring my style.
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How do you react to market volatility?
I see it as an opportunity for potential profits.
It excites me, I love unpredictability.
I remain calm and stick to my strategy.
It makes me anxious.
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You're Dr. Gregory House

Key recommendations:

Just like House, you’re incredibly intelligent and analytical. You don’t make decisions without thorough research and are always ready to learn from your mistakes. In the trading world, you’re a long-term investor who sees opportunities in market volatility.

You're Dr. Robert Chase

Key recommendations:

Chase is known for his impulsive decisions, just like you in your trading. You trust your instincts, are not afraid of risks, and enjoy the thrill of short-term trades. While this can be profitable, remember that it’s also important to analyze your decisions.

You're Dr. James Wilson

Key recommendations:

Wilson is balanced, reliable, and consultative – just like your trading style. You seek advice from experienced traders, handle losses well, and follow a mixed trading approach. You’re the type who keeps calm in market volatility.

You're Dr. Lisa Cuddy

Key recommendations:

Cuddy is cautious and prefers to stick to the rules. In your trading, you tend to avoid high-risk investments and prefer to follow the latest market trends. Remember, blaming external factors for losses won’t help. It’s important to learn from them and move on.Remember, this test is just for fun and shouldn’t be taken as financial advice!

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