💸 GBP/USD complemented the list of assets available on Binomo

We are happy to announce that we added the GBP/USD currency pair to the list of assets you can trade on the Binomo platform.

GBP/USD has a profitability of up to 80% for the Free, Standard, and Gold statuses. VIP and Prestige traders have 82% profitability of the asset.

The currency pair is medium volatile, so you can enjoy calm and variable trading. The asset is directly correlated with EUR/USD, AUD/USD, GBP/NZD, GBP/CHF, and others. Also, it has an indirect correlation with EUR/GBP and others.

You can use the correlation to increase your benefit when trading, for example, in the multi-window mode (available on the desktop version of Binomo or in your mobile browser). 

We hope you’ll enjoy this update. GBP/USD is one of the most popular currency pairs globally.

Have a profitable day!

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